get involvedThere are times when it’s hard to know how to help. Do you wonder How to Make an Impact? The world is often riddled with crises, and sometimes, sitting at your desk or driving your car thousands of miles away, it’s hard to know what you can do to help. Perhaps you’re at a place in your life where it’s not feasible to quit your job and join the Peace Corps. Maybe finances are too tight to afford a monthly contribution. Or it could be that life got busier – it’s that time of year at work, or sports practices have already begun – and you no longer have free time to donate.

There might also be times when maybe it just doesn’t feel like your contribution matters, like those few dollars a month can’t really be making a very big impact. But they can. They are. Those hours spent helping others can impact lives in ways that you could never imagine.

It’s infinitely important that we reach out and help those in need. It is only through collaborative effort that we can begin to solve some of the problems and crises that we are facing today. Below are 5 opportunities (large and small) that will enable you to be a part of the solution to bring an end to malaria worldwide.

Against Malaria Foundation (AMF):

Are you a professional / hobbyist video editor? AMF could use your help in telling their success stories! Interested in helping AMF in other ways? Contact them directly to find out what other areas of need may match your area of expertise!

Nets For Life:

Nets For Life is working around the clock to distribute mosquito nets throughout problematic areas in Africa. Additionally, they help raise community awareness and mobilization, monitor and evaluate malaria, and help provide access to testing and treatment. They offer 3 avenues for getting involved: Learn, Give, and Act.

Africa Fighting Malaria:

Africa Fighting Malaria is an non-profit health advocacy group with a mission “to make malaria control more transparent, responsive, and effective.” Learn more about how to become an advocate by clicking the link!


One is an international campaigning and advocacy organization that rallies concerned groups, communities, and individuals around the globe around central issues. They are working to address a plethora of issues, and offer a multitude of ways to get involved, ranging from petitions and letters to local events. Malaria No More: Malaria No More works in many ways to rid the world of malaria. From testing and preventative measures to treatments and vaccine development, Malaria No More works to transform your dollar into a solution.

You can also join with Osana and our partners to donate all natural soap to countries suffering with malaria.
