Why Osana?
What's the Problem?
Malaria. Most people have heard of it, most people do not know how deadly it really is. A child dies EVERY MINUTE from this vicious virus. That’s 1,300 kids who lose their lives to a mosquito bite every day. There were about 216 million cases of malaria and an estimated 655,000 deaths in 2010, According to the World malaria report in 2011. Most of these deaths occur among children and pregnant women living in Africa.
In many of the warm temperate climates, Malaria is a severe health problem that is killing people every single day. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) believes there are 300-500 million instances of malaria every year, and more than 1 million people die from it.
The problem is very serious. In certain parts of the world, mosquitoes that carry malaria have developed resistance to insecticides. In addition, the parasites have developed resistance to some antibiotics. These conditions are making it extremely difficult to control both the rate of infection and spread of this disease.
In the world right now, the two largest causes of death in children in underdeveloped countries are diarrheal disease and respiratory tract infections. A huge revelation is that, according to the CDC, “Handwashing can prevent about 30% of diarrhea-related sicknesses and about 20% of respiratory infections (e.g., colds).” Simply providing soap to those in need allows them to wash and fully cleanse, which makes a huge overall impact in those areas.
Osana is working through education and global partnerships to help stop preventable mosquito-borne illnesses and sanitation related sicknesses.
What's the Need?
Saying that the need is great would be minimizing this massive world disruption. It is hard to believe that Millions of people don’t have regular access to soap and other personal hygiene products.
Both adults and children all around the world are suffering from illnesses and diseases that are preventable. The prevention can be as simple as a bar of soap and a bucket of water. More importantly, these people need to know that there are simple steps they can take to protect themselves from these deadly sicknesses.
Our goal is to provide those in need with a simple solution. Selling our soap creates a platform for us to raise awareness and help bring education to areas most in need of sanitation best practices and malaria prevention on a very large scale.
The Solution
Bottom Line. We Need Your Help!
Osana bar is a natural soap and great alternative to mosquito repellents, which cleans your skin and helps prevent bites. For every package sold, Osana donates one bar to those around the world to help promote better education and cleanliness in areas of high risk for malaria, dengue, and other mosquito-borne as well as sanitation-based illnesses.
By using Osana soap, you are also working with us to help others in need all around the world receive access to education and basic sanitation tools and resources.
Are you ready to be part of the solution? The solution will take all of us working together!
There are many ways to help, and using Osana anti-mosquito soap is just one option. Some of the other options include…
Giving away the “Pay it Forward” travel bar included in every Osana package and sharing the story and the mission of Osana with friends, family, or even a stranger!
Share photos and videos on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter and mention @osanabar in your posts! A share, like, etc. goes a long way!
Tell your #biggerstory while taking advantage of entering to win a year supply of soap! Learn more about #biggerstory
Tell your friends, family, and potentially random strangers on the street about what Osana is doing and why!
Write a review on Amazon.com and the Osanabar.com website. Other customers rely on your experience to know if they should purchase Osana!
Become an Osana Advocate and get Osana in your area and local farmers markets! Learn more about becoming an advocate!
Thank you for joining us and the MANY others who have sowed into this mission and cause!
We believe that large problems can be overcome with simple solutions and people working together. We see it as our responsibility to help solve this need around the world and with your help, we believe we can do it!