Osana anti-mosquito soap company partners with non-profit organization ‘The Invictus Initiative’ to help stop and prevent The Zika virus in Brazil.

Osana and Invictus both have similar missions to help create sustainable change in communities all over the world by empowering the local people as well as stop preventable deaths.

The Invictus Initiative

The Invictus Initiative is a non-profit organization building unconquerable relationships that bring together the skills and resources needed to initiate sustainable solutions, improve communities, and transform lives.

Invictus Initiative in Brazil

This organization has been working in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the last four years. They have been working in a community located in the mountain tops of Brazil through building relationships, construction, business development, and providing them opportunities to dream big and create a sustainable, life-giving community.

Osana and Invictus Partner Together to Help Zika Virus in Brazil

In a recent trip to Brazil, Invictus partnered with Osana to put together kits for the woman in this impoverished community. The kits including education and information about Zika and how to prevent it, mosquito nets, and of course, Osana all natural-antimosquito soap. The goal was to give it out to expecting mothers in hopes to protect them from the damaging virus.

Invictus met with leaders and government officials in Brazil to see what was being done to stop Zika and to see how Osana and Invictus could fill in that gap. Simply providing the community with education, nets, and soap seemed to be the most effective option, and the communities received everything with enthusiasm and gratitude.

On top of the kits, Invictus also created an incredible system within the local community that consists of:

  1. Partnering with the Local Health Professionals who were already seeing pregnant mothers and had them write prescriptions for each mother to receive a Zika kit and give the woman enough Osana Soap to last them throughout their pregnancy.
  2. Partnering with the local community center and stocked them up with Osana Soap. Instead of giving it away for free, as discussed in the book “When Helping Hurts”, the soap has a small price so the community members are invested. 100% of the proceeds go back into the community.

Invictus plans to return to this community in November to follow up with the expecting mothers and community members.
