Wash Off The Bait with Osana Mosquito Repellent Soap

Wash Off the Bait - Mosquito Repellent Soap

Mosquito repellent resistance is becoming more and more of a thing. Studies have shown 50% of mosquitoes can be immune to DEET after being exposed to it. A cocktail of various toxic bug sprays is no silver bullet either (doing so however can repel your loved ones and possibly result in you getting sprayed down with the garden hose).

During this wet season, the best chance for avoiding the buzz and bite of mosquitoes is to wash off the attractants and replace them with repellents.

One of the biggest problems with mosquito sprays is that they don’t do anything to wash off the mosquito attractants that your body naturally produces and the bacteria that hangs out on your skin. Bug sprays try to cover up the odors, and some do a better job than others, but it’s like covering a steak in dirt and putting it in front of your dog. Sure, the dog won’t enjoy the dirty steak, but you better believe he’ll dig through a pile of that dirt to get at what he wants.

Your first step toward hiding from mosquitoes should be to wash off the smells that draw them in. If washing off odors doesn’t hide you enough from mosquitoes, you could be a genetic mosquito magnet or be suffering from a mosquito zombie apocalypse, and you’re going to need to combine your mosquito repellency options.   Bottom line is the best strategy is to remove those attractants, evaluate if you need additional protection, and then find the healthiest option possible.

But keeping the attractants on your skin is NOT a solid strategy for keeping mosquitoes away.

Time and again, we have found that washing with Osana prevented bug bites, and created a preference by mosquitoes for those who had skin and body odor attractants compared to those who didn’t.  We won’t hold it against you if don’t share the secret of Osana Soap with others!

Right now we’re offering a pre-season sale of our Master Pack with Free Shipping. You can check it out right here.  
