Osana is an ever evolving organization searching to partner not only with non -profit organizations working to end malaria and poverty but also brilliant business professionals from CSU College of Business searching to solve these global issues with technology, marketing, and their business skill sets.
Business men and woman have been making a huge impact in ending poverty and malaria all around the world. Bill Gates is a perfect example of this. He is using his business mind and skills to create teams of people researching solutions to end malaria for good. Never Settle, the company that acquired Osana, is also using their technology and business skills to radically change the world for the better.
Partnering with CSU College of Business
This is why we are excited about the partnership we established with Colorado State University. One of our founders as well as our Brand Management lead are alumni from the the CSU College of Business and have maintained some connections that have come to good use in the last two months. A lead professor Bill Shuster approached one of our founders (a former student of his) after he read an article on Osana in the CSU Collegian. One of the classes he teaches is the International Business Management Capstone.
This International Business Management Capstone class gets to work side by side with real companies to solve real problems. Shuster asked if Osana would be interested in participating and sure enough we were honored to be invited. Since then we have 15 students comprised of three teams working beside the Osana team.
The College of Business students are doing strategic analysis and working to find global partners with domestic influence. It’s really an open ground for them to work in and we’re excited to be partnering with Bill Shuster and his class. Below are the faces of the students who are working to help improve Osana in hopes of impacting the world by the elimination of preventable deaths.
We’re excited to see what these great minds produce as they come together and get involved in a world cause along side Osana and our team. We’ll keep you posted as things unfold.