Health 2 Humanity Global: A Sustainable Hygienic Development Non-Profit

is a non-profit that focuses on training entrepreneurs in developing countries to have their own hygienic product businesses. Their model allows the need for hygienic solutions globally to be met, but in a sustainable way. For every bar that is sold through these businesses, the entrepreneurs donate a bar to their sponsored location within their community. Both Osana and Health 2 Humanity Global are passionate about seeing preventable diseases eradicated, but in a way that empowers people rather than victimizing them.

Health 2 Humanity’s Mission

Just like Osana, Health to Humanity Global exists to see preventable diseases eradicated. They believe that all people deserve to have equal access to lifesaving solutions. However, they do more than just give soap.  Through the development of entrepreneurs in low-hygiene countries, they will not only see hygienic disparities addressed, but we will create a sustainable future without dependency.

Fight Against Giving

In their Fight Against Giving, Health 2 Humanity Global outlines the need for sustainability rather than the dependency-creating model that is used by many charities. The emphasis on vocational training allows skills to be acquired by people in developing countries and empowers them to meet the needs of their communities. This grass-roots model brings the hope for a clean future without dependency.

Current Impact Statistics of H2H Global

From May 2014- to the present Health 2 Humanity Global has seen:

– 12 locations implemented throughout Uganda, Ghana, and Kenya

– Over 20,000 bars of soap donated

– 22 jobs created (6 going on to college or job advancement)

– Up to 25% illness rate drop in sponsored areas

– Skin disease and rash almost completely

eradicated in sponsored areas

Health 2 Humanity Corp. All Natural Soap

Just as their international partners sell soap within their communities, Health 2 Humanity Corp. sells all-natural soap domestically.  This can be purchased online at: The majority of the proceeds go directly to funding the work of H2H Global. This allows the purchase of an everyday product to create a lasting impact globally (plus it is truly amazing soap).

H2H Soap Partners with Osana – All Natural Mosquito Repellent Soap

Osana and H2H soap have the common mission to see preventable diseases eradicated, and we are excited about partnering together to make this a reality. We both believe that all people deserve to have equal access to lifesaving solutions, including a simple bar of soap. The most exciting part is that both companies are interested in doing more than just giving away soap. Osana and H2H desire to work together to create sustainable change, empower local communities, and create life changing opportunities for people all over the world.
